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45. ВВП в постоянных ценах 1975 г. и по паритетам покупательной способности валют . . . . . . , . , . . , 353

46. ВВП в постоянных ценах и по официальным обменным курсам

1980 г. .............. . 363

47. Доля основных групп развивающихся стран в совокупном ВВП

н населении этих стран в 1950 и 1980 гг.......372

48. Доля главных центров капитализма и основных групп развивающихся стран в ВВП и населении несоциалистического миоа

в 1950 и 1980 гг.............. 373

49. Отношение ВВП на душу населения отдельных стран к среднему показателю по развивающемуся мнру в 1950 I960, 1970

1975 и 1980 гг.............; 374

50. ВВП на душу населения развитых капиталистических и развивающихся стран в 1950 и 1980 гг. ........384

51. Среднегодовые и годовые темпы прироста ВВП 385

52. Индексы роста ВВП ............ 401

53. Распределение развивающихся стран по темпам прироста ВВП

и уровням развития 411

A. 1950-1980 гг...... 411

Б, 1960-1980 гг...... 413

B. 1970-1980 гг..... 415

Г. 1980-1983 гг......Ш

Д. Сводная группировка по темпам роста и уровню развития

1950-1983 гг...... . . . . . . 419

54. Структура ВВП по основным секторам производства ... 422

55. Развивающиеся страны со значительным удельным- весом добывающей промышленности ....... ... 447

56. Структура использования ВВП . . . , , . . . . 451

57. Доля главных секторов народного хозяйства в ВВП и экономически активном населении основных групп развивающихся стран 472

Приложение I. ВВП развитых капиталистических и развивающихся стран по основным компонентам конечного использования (табл. 58-60) *75

58. ВВП по главным компонентам конечного использования . . 475

59. ВВП по главным компонентам конечного использования в расчете на душу населения...........506

60. Дифференциация развивающихся стран по некоторым обобщающим экономическим показателям.........536

П.риложение П. Важнейшие показатели развитых капиталистических стран 1950-1983 гг. (табл. 61-66)........ 555

61. Территория и население...........555

62. Экономически активное население: численность и структура по секторам...............558

63. Городское население............567

64. ВВП в 1950, I960, 1970, 1975 и 1980 гг. в постоянных ценах

и по официальным обменным курсам 1975 г......569

65. ВВП в 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975 и 1980 гг. в постоянных ценах

1975 г. и по паритетам покупательной способности валют . . 572

66. ВВП в 1980-1983 гг. в постоянных ценах н по официальным обменным курсам 1980 г...........574

Приложение III. Способы получения и источники информации о ВВП несоциалистичсских стран, темпах и индексах его роста (табл. 67-68).................. 576

67. Развивающиеся страны........... 576

68. Развитые капиталистические страны........599

Приложение IV, Вычисление средних: темпов прироста альтернативными методами 603

!(1 пложен ие V. Список сокращений, использованных приобозначении источников и монографической литературы 610


Introduction. Statistical Measurements of Economic Processes in Developing Countries ...............

Section - Developing Countries in World Capitalist Economy: General Outline (Tables 1.-35)

1. Population and Its Natural Growth in Non-Socialist Countries . . 35

2. Natural Growth Rates in Non-Socialist Countries...... 38

3. Share of Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries in Total Population of Non-Socialist Worid and Its Natural Growth - 40

4 Total GDP and Industrial Production in Non-Socialist Countries . 42

5. GDP and Industrial Production by Kind of Activity, Percentage

Distribution ...........x, c -

6. GDP and Inouslrial Production Growth Rates ш Non-bpciahst

Countries .......

7. Share of Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries m. Non-Socialist World Production........ : l.

8. Per Capita GDP, Agricultural and Industrial Production ... B4 9. Per Capita Production: Gap Betv/een Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries :..............

10. Number of the Employed in Non-Socialist Countries .... 91

11. Share of Developing Countries in Total Labour Force of Non-Socialist World . . . . . -......... In

12. Employment by Kind of Activity in Non-Socialist Countries , . lUJ

13. Labour Productivity by Kind of Activity . ....... 114

14. Labour Productivity: Aversge Annual Growth Rates ..... \2Z

15. Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries; Gap in Labour Productivity . . . , -...... lO

16. Total GDP by Type of Expenature.........

A. Data at Official Exchange Rates.........139

B, Data at Purchasing Power Parities.........141

17. GDP by Type of Expenditure, Percentage Distribution .... 145

18. GDP by Type of Expenditure; Average Annual Growth Rales . . 148

19. Per Capita GDP by Type of Expenditure . . - - - . 151

A. Data at Official Exchange Rates..........151

B. Data at Purchasing Power Parities.......... 153

20. Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries: Gap in Per Capita

GDP by Type ot Expenditure........ - 156

A. Data at Official Exchange Rates......... 156

B- Data at Purchasing Power Parities......... 158

21. Agricultural Production ............ 161

22. Share of Developing Countries in Total Agricultural Production of Non-Socialist Worid ......... . Il

23. Selected Indices of Agricultural Performance in Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries...........173

A. Grain Yield per Нк, Milk Yield per Cow......173

B. Differentials in Grain and Milk Yields........ 175

24. Per Capita Agricultural Production ......... 178

25. Per Capita Agricultural Production: Gap Between Iridustriallzed and Developing Countries ............ 183

26. Per Capita Food Supply in Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries ................ 13

A. Calories, Proteins, Fats and Calcium per Day......187

B. Differentials in Food Supply..........190

27. Industrial Produce..............193

28. Production, International Trade and Coeaumption of Primary Energy 213

29. Primary Energy Production and Consumption. Percentage Distribution

by Form of Energy............. 219

30. Share of JndustrialiEed Capitalist eind Developing Countries in Total Production and Consumption of Primary Energy..... 222

31. Primary Energy Consumption Per Unit of GDP and Per Capita . 225

32. Value of Exports of Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries 227

33. Exports by Countries of DestlnatloB and Imports by Countries of Provenance, Percentage Distribution.......... 232

34. Trade by Comпюdity Classes.......... 240

A. Value of Exports............. 240

B. Percentage Distribution of Exports ........ 244

C. Value of Imports............. 248

D. Percentage Distribution of Imports........ 253

35. Developing Countries in Total VoUime of Trade, by Commodity Classes 257

Section II. Developing Countries and Territories: Comparative Analysis of Economic Growth (Tables 36-57)

36. Classification of Developing Countries and Territories .... 258

37. Area and PopidaUon............. 261

38. Population: Average Annual Growth Rates....... 272

39. Economically Active Population and Its Structure..... 279

A. Average Annual Estimates.......... 279

B. Censuses and РоПз ............ 299

40. Urban Population.............. 313

41. Cities of Developing Countries Among 25 Worlds Largest Cities . 323

42. GDP at Constant 1960 Mces and Official Exchange Rate* ... 325

43. GDP of Constant 1970 ftices and Official Exchange Rates ... 332

44. GDP at Constant 1975 Prices and Offtciat Exchange Rates ... 343

45. GDP at Constant 1975 Prices and Purchasing Power Parities ... 353

46. GDP at Cgnstant 1980 Prices and OHicial Exchange Rates . . .363

47. Share of Major Groups of Developing Countries in Treir Total GDP

and Population fl950 and 198f ......... 372

48. Share of Main Capitalist Centres and Major Groups of Developing Countries in Total GDP and Population of Non-Socialist World (1950

and 1980)...............: 373

-й. Per Capita GDP of Various Countries: Ra:tio to Average Figures for

Developing Countries............. 374

50. Per Capita GDP of Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries

in 1950 and 1380 .............. 384

51. Average Annual GDP Growth Rates......... 385

52. Index Numbers of GDP............ 401

53. Developing Countries Ranked by Annuel GDP Growth Rates and Economic Development Level . . ........ 411

A. 1950-80 ............... 411

B. 1960-80 ................ 413

C. 1970-80 ............... 415

D. 1980-83................ 417

E. Stmmiary Ranking for 1950-83 ......... 419

54. GDP by Kind of Economic Activity......... 422

55. Developing Countries with Substantial Share of Mining in GDP . 447

56. GDP by Type of Expenditure, Percentage Distribution .... 451

57. GDP and Economically Active Population by Basic Sectors of Economy

in Major Groups of Developing Countries....... 472

Appendix I. GDP of Industrialized Capitalist and Developing Countries

by Type of Expenditure (Tables 58-60)........ 475

Appendix П. Basic Indicators for Industrialized Capitalist Countries

1950-83 (Tables 61-66)............ 555

Appendix III. GDP, Rates and Index Numbers of Its Growth; Methods

of Estimates and Sources of Information (Tables 67-68) . . 576

Appendix IV. Alternative Methods of Calculation of Growth Rates . 603

Appendix V. List of Abbreviations......... 610

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